What is the Nice Classification System? | FAQ's
What is the Nice Classification System?
Vancouver Trademark
Welcome to Vancouver Trademark.
You may be wondering what the Nice Classification system is. All new trademark applicants in Canada must adhere to the Nice Classification system.
This is an international system that categorizes goods and services for the purposes of registering a trademark.
In Canada, it is mandatory that all applicants pick a goods and services classification that pertain to their brand. Each classification that is selected will be charged an individual fee.
Hope this helps clarify what the Nice Classification is. And if you’re looking to register a trademark or have questions, visit us at vancouvertrademark.com
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Vancouver Trademark
Address: 885 W Georgia St #1400
Phone: (778) 771-2828
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Tag: nice classification, trademarks, intellectual property, brand, legal, startups, entrepreneurs, small business, vancouver, canada
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