ZED MID Guide – How To Carry With ZED Step by Step – Detailed Guide
ZED GUIDE // This guide took me quite a while so I really hope you guys get some value from it! I try to cover all of the details I wish I had given to me while I was learning Zed and I aimed to show everything using examples so it wasn’t too theoretical. Again guys this is just my take on Zed and what worked for me on my solo queue journey. Appreciate you all tuning in and thank you for all the support! Love you all.
If you have any questions about anything , drop a comment below or ask in the discord. 🙂
00:00 – 01:22 // Introduction
01:22 – 02:21 // Preface
02:21 – 13:02 // Runes + Summoners
13:02 – 23:05 // Build
23:05 – 29:56 // Zed W-E-Q Combo + Tips To Improve At It
29:56 – 31:32 // Zed PRE 6 Combos – El Classico Burst Combo
31:32 – 32:45 // Zed PRE 6 Combos – Surprise Combo
32:45 – 33:24 // Zed PRE 6 Combos – Quick Burst Combo
33:24 – 35:50 // Zed POST 6 Combos – Standard Combo
35:50 – 37:44 // Zed POST 6 Combos – Triple Shuriken Combo
37:44 – 39:52 // Zed POST 6 Combos – Dodge Combo
39:52 – 41:47 // Zed POST 6 Combos – Delayed Combo
41:47 – 43:45 // Zed POST 6 Combos – PADO Combo
43:45 – 49:55 // Tips For All-ins
49:55 – 56:00 // Matchup Breakdown + Zed Counters
56:00 – 01:00:37 // My Take On Zed’s Identity
01:00:37 – 01:04:13 // Extra Zed Tips
01:04:13 – 01:06:22 // Creative Zed Tips
01:06:22 – 01:08:55 // Wave Clearing With Zed
01:08:55 – 01:13:29 // Mid + Late Game Team Fighting As Zed
01:13:29 – 01:15:34 // Zed’s Item Journey
01:15:34 – 01:18:39 // Biggest Mistakes + Misconceptions With Zed
01:18:39 – 01:24:07 // How To Learn Zed
01:24:07 – 01:26:02 // The Grind Of Learning Zed
01:26:02 – 01:27:22 // Jungle Combos
01:27:22 – 01:28:32 // Countering Zed + Outro To Gameplay
01:28:32 – 02:14:41 // VOD 1 Zed vs Lucian
02:14:41 – 02:17:38 // VOD 2 More Examples of Mid Game
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Tag: guid zed, Zed mid, zed mid lane, zed mid guide, zed guide, zed runes, zed build, zed soloq, how to carry with zed, how to play zed, zed step by step, challenger zed, high elo zed, zed99, zed coach, zed combos, zed combo, zed matchup, zed teacher, zed in soloq, zed pro, zed electrocute, zed conqueror, zed items, korea zed, coach curtis
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i have problames facing vladimir and orianna any tips ?
Well, the explication is very good but in the build, according to my experience when u have zombie ward the 80% of the times u build umbral glaive always for his passive unless u got feeded in early Game so u can build first yoummuus. And if u are in a very hard matchup like Syndra, Orianna, the doran shield is the best option for the poke to dont die in laning phase.
This guide is amazing but in some clips you didnt have to flash 33:14
I already know all the zed tricks
But actually first time seeing a zed guide this detailed
What a god u are 😀
Yooo thank you so much, after playing adc and jungler. I’m pretty good in those lane, but I started to pick up mid, and decided that I’m going to main zed. Really helpful, he is so fun.
Yes agreed with tenacity part, most of the time if you cc you either die or people just run away so meh. Also I tried presence of mind in aram and I didn't feel much difference cause I disengage before energy becomes an issue
I really want to play him. We need more champs like him. Champs that need actual skill to play and after each kill you and your opponents will be saying to yourselves "Wow, that Zed deserved and won that kill fair and square through outplaying." Currently I hate most of the champs in the game. Yasuo has a wind wall and a tornado he can spam, teemo has traps that last 5 mins and kill you instantly, Ashe is the hardest kiter ever. We need more Zed IMO.
And what's with black cleaver as a first item? A lot of challenger players play it
Garen is also a hard matchup for Zed.
can you make a guide on yasuo? it s a really hard champ and a lot of people play it wrong. We need your guides to save our games from yasuo feeders pleaaase
I thought you were being scummy and telling us to watch this overtime for that increase in watchtime which drives views BUT it is alot of information. You get both Coach
PS dont thank me boyz its BEST FREE GUIDE in your lives..
Wtf when you W E with zed W's CD doesn't get any lower, it has to be the champion that hits the E not his shadow, wtf!
Are you serious? How tf Vladimir is in the B section of zed matchups?
You go try to play vs a good Vladimir and see what he is going to do to you
Watched the entire thing … time to go 0/10
https://youtu.be/s_WAul76a0A – for this one, you shoudlve kited twords his tower until exhaust is down then w e q on him then R out but you know 😀
https://youtu.be/s_WAul76a0A?t=811 – this timestamp – zed99 in heavy poke matchups goes doran shield btw, just saying
https://youtu.be/s_WAul76a0A – this timestamp – if you go mr boots+legend tenacity+edge of night, legit can skip qss in heavy cc comps and open the game up for you, im legit playing with tenacity against every lissandra and i can run her down in laning phase just cause i don't get cced for 10 years and besides that presence of mind is complete broken if you get an assist/kill in a teamfight you can do more rotation of spells but is harder to play like that
im high diamond zed main what am i doing here
나만 한국인인가?
Am I only Korean?
Nice one coach even tho i have 1million points on zed but still want to learn more
Omg I love you
also thank you for all of your help. I agrew with ahmed, thank you just aint enough.
If you are struggeling to fight against Sett, then here is a tip!
zed passive is so poor compare to others, wtf. like isnt even close to be in the 30 best passives
This is the first video of yours I came across and I do not believe I've ever gotten so much respect for someone in such a short space of time. This is the definition of exceeding due diligence to the max. Can not wait to watch more of your videos and thank you for this content.
No presend of mind and Coup the Grace?
The best guide I've ever seen.
Hey curtis ive been playin locked camera since i started playing this game and im so used to it that i literally can’t play with unlocked offset. Is that a bad thing and should i go out of my way to start learning to play without locked because even with locked i can comfortably unlock the screen and look around the map and still have the same map awareness as people who play unlocked.
Coach Curtis? More like Professor Curtis. You have the best informational videos hands down. It's amazing and I appreciate the great effort you put in your videos.
A 2 hour guide on a champion, and only 1 add?
Don't be shy, put some more 😂
bro i cant believe its free im hardstuck g4 after 2 years of playing and i didnt know so much stuff u show in ur videos thank u
I beat a malphite at level 2 with auto and q e
Zed has 84 attack damage with 1 long sword at low level witch is really high
please please pleassssse can u start linking presentation in the description becaeu it would really help the look over it again
Dude it literally took me thousands of hours gameplay in smurf accs to be able to play him in Diamond elo effectively and you out here teaching people how to be decent from game one and whats more annoying is that i learned some things i didnt knew. Gj bro. One Disclaimer though, insta cast weq combo versus champs like fizz, yasuo you know champs that can litterally disable your kill condition with one ability and its pretty easy too cause they tend to sit close to you farming thinking that nothing can happen to them.
I've played Zed since season 6 but wasn't playing the game everyday so I got lost on how to actually play him. Thank you for this amazing guide, it really helped me get on the right path. Keep up the good work sir!
Little mistake for the max damage combo you showcased, you should always E after shadowing so you can get the slow off and hit tripleQ (you did it in the clips but you didn't write it)
Coach, thanks for all these guides! You don't know how some of these guides mean to us. Even though I find it difficult to fully embrace your advice to apply it to my gameplay, it has opened my eyes, helping me see solo queue in a different manner. Coach we love you. You are helping so many people.
I must say this guide is so great. Usually, other guides only show combos without giving explainations and people then try to learn it by heart. But if you don't understand how really work the abilities and how to use it, you won't be able to really appropriate those mechanics and be good at the character. With your guides however, the way you explain it and demonstrate, i really feel like i am learning something and that somehow i will be able to make those mechanics mine. And i guess that this should be the point.